Multifunctional, the Passion Santé sprouter allows you to make your own germinations, microgreens and homemade tofu. It is durable, economical, easy to use and clean.
Designed and manufactured in Quebec.
The complete kit includes:
Base container
Mesh container
Base lid
Mesh lid
Cotton bag for tofu
Cotton bag for vegetable milk
- Choose seeds and place them in the non-perforated base. Soak them in water for required time. (see Seeds Table)
- Drain seeds by using the perforated base as a colander (the seeds are now in the perforated base). Rinse well and cover with the perforated lid.
- Use the perforated base to rinse and drain the seeds twice a day. Put them back in the non-perforated base and cover with the perforated lid.
- Once the number of days required for sprouting is complete, sprouts are ready to be consumed. If you have some leftovers, you can keep them in the refrigerator using the non-perforated lid. Sprouts can be kept for the same time as the germination period.
To remove dark circles and marks on sprouters, soak 1/4 tsp sodium percarbonate with and very hot water. Leave to soak for an hour or more.
Dimensions : 7 x 5 x 4.5 in
Weight : 319 g
Sprouter Passion Santé + cotton bags
- Product Code: Germoir
- Availability: In Stock